Friday, July 31, 2009

Can a night mouth guard end up "crowding" your teeth?

I've been diagnosed with bruxism (teeth grinding at night) and I made a custom mouth guard that attaches itself to the lower set of teeth. I can feel the pressure after wearing it for a night, but I made 3 mouth guards before and they all would fall out while I sleep. After a couple of month, I swear I can start to see the first 6 teeth at the bottom (canines to incisors) crowd more together. Is this just my imagination from the pressure I feel after the night wearing the mouth guard or can it really mean it's crowding my teeth, and possibly mean that I'll need braces to correct that?

Can a night mouth guard end up "crowding" your teeth?
Wearing a night guard will not cause your teeth to shift or move. If anything it will keep your teeth from moving because it was made to fit your teeth perfectly. When they took the impressions of your teeth for the night guard they made it to fit your teeth the way they were in the impression. So wearing the night guard will act like a retainer as well because your teeth will always fit the night guard if you wear it every night like you are suppose to.


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