Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I accidentally broke one of my siberians puppy teeth. What do I do?

We were at the beach and he kept chewing on his leash. I yanked the leash and he suddenly didn't want to chew on the leash at all. He didn't yelp or anything. I didn't think too much about it until I got home. I checked and I had broke one of his canine teeth. The front right. Half of it is sticking out and it's very loose. What should I do? He seems okay. It doesn't look infected or anything. I feel so terrible.

I accidentally broke one of my siberians puppy teeth. What do I do?
If it's still connected but broken, it might be hurting him, and that might prevent him from eating. If he is eating and it's pretty loose, he might not be feeling it anymore, so it's probably okay.

I would call the vet and ask about it.

This is from an article: (this doesn't mention it being loose though):

"It is important to have your puppy's broken baby tooth extracted, as soon as possible, by a veterinarian that has training in dentistry. Because she has broken the baby tooth, infection will enter the tooth from the mouth and travel down the root. Infection at the root of the baby tooth may cause permanent damage to the adult tooth that is developing near the root of the baby tooth. Any broken tooth that bleeds is painful even though your puppy may not act that way. Do not wait to "see what happens". Waiting allows for more infection and more damage."

and another:

"A cracked or broken tooth can be painful if the nerve tissue is exposed; if it becomes infected, there's a danger the infection may spread through the bloodstream. If your puppy breaks a tooth, take him to a veterinarian right away."
Reply:it will probrably be ok, since it isnt an adult tooth...but u might want to call the vet just to check..
Reply:Just like humans, if it was a baby tooth an adult tooth will grow into it's place!
Reply:If he's 6 months or under, you might have just yanked loose a tooth he was about to lose anyway. Puppies lose their baby teeth and grow adult ones, like people do. People don't usually notice it, though. Since he doesn't seem in pain, this is probably what happened. Watch to see if a new one grows in over the next few days. If it doesn't, or you think you pulled out an adult tooth, take him to the vet.
Reply:It's very normal. Puppies lose their teeth teething, or even if you were to play with him with a rope toy a little too hard, it might do that. It's nothing to worry about. If there's still inside the mouth, I would let your vet take it out, just so you yourself don't hurt him. If you don't take him to the vet, I'm sure it will fall out by itself in time. Take him most definately if it looks sharp, he can't eat, or shows signs of pain.
Reply:It was probably loose and ready to go anyway. Dog's teeth are strong and you would have had to do more than that to pull it out if it weren't already loose.

Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get infected or anything, but if he isn't in pain, I wouldn't worry about it.
Reply:You have nothing to be worried about, their just his baby teeth.

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