Sunday, August 2, 2009

A baby tooth question?

I was playing with my son yesterday and noticed that a new tooth was coming in. He already has two bottom teeth, so it really wasn't a surprise to me. What did surprise me was that it is a side tooth rather than a front tooth. He hasn't gotten any of his top front teeth and was wondering is this was normal. I have never seen a baby grow a side tooth before any front teeth have arrived. It looks as if it is one of his canines. I am also concerned that it looks as if it is growing from the side of his gums rather than from the base of his gums. His gums are swollen, so it might just look as if it is growing in the wrong place though. His other two teeth grew in just fine, so it has me a little worried.

Is it normal to grow "canine" teeth before front teeth?

Does the tooth sound like it growing from the wrong place on his gums?

A baby tooth question?
I don't know about it coming in from the wrong place, but teeth don't always come in the same order. That's nothing to worry about.
Reply:Every baby is different and even though there is a norm to which teeth baby get in a certain order, babies can get teeth in a different order than that. If your worried about where the tooth is growing you should talk to the doctor about it.
Reply:It probably isn't the canines as these generally come in much later. You actually have 4 front teeth before the canines. It isn't that uncommon for teeth to come in in the "wrong" order.
Reply:My Niece had the same growth pattern. The pediatrician said that most kids; front teeth come in first, but that it is of no concern if the side or back teeth come in first.
Reply:I am so glad that I found this question because this just happened to me last night. I noticed my son is getting both of the teeth that will be next to his 2 front teeth but hasnt gotten his 2 front teeth yet and I was worried about it. Thanks for the answers!! I feel better now.

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